What does SYSTRA MI stand for?

This blog was created to share and show creative work and thought. I have spent 15 years in London and 5 years in BArcelona working as an artist and designer and during this time I have been involved in a varitey of artistic projects and collaborated with some fantastic people. At one point I set up an artistic organisation for which we could all co-exsist through the philosophy of ' Systra mi"

systra mi was created upon the belief of artistic collaboration and companionship making the whole picture "bigger". sharing the same illusion and desire for creativity and living, bringing the forces together by voluntary nature leaves a translucent footprint of pureness and beauty, without the dirt of 'stepping' on others, which usually the world of finance makes us do. So "systra mi" stands for a genuine sisterhood of creations....


work in progress

a dedicated to my daughters and sisters...

SYSTRA MI EXHIBITION "Discover", London 2006....

we created a wonderful exhibition "DISCOVER" in London, 2006, inviting artists and creators from london and barcelona; check this out for a taster....


; in total we had 16 different artists participating and the result was very pleasent....